Origin and development
The added extra in consulting.
1999 marks the founding of our consulting company in Haan. Since then, more and more small medium-sized companies turn to us as their first-choice consulting partner. In collaboration with our regional network of auditors, tax advisors, lawyers and industry experts, we are always as competent and as largescale as our client’s individual situation requires.
Our company's positive development has led to the consistent pursuit of our strategic orientation: apart from a significant expansion of the team in Haan and an extension of the existing partner structure, the Hanover office was founded in 2007 and our interim management company was established in 2009. We have then continued our growth in 2011 by founding hahn,consultants mergers & acquisitions gmbh (integration into corporate development in 2020) and in 2020 by founding the Darmstadt office.
The high standards to which we hold our consulting services, guaranteed by our teams of employees, and our supra-regional network of partners remain unchanged: competence to the benefit of our clients, holistic approaches to finding solutions and practical implementation.