Discover and utilise opportunities for growth with hahn,consultants
New market developments, changing customer requirements and a dynamic competitive environment pose new challenges to companies on an ongoing basis. A holistic approach assists in systematically weighing up opportunities and risks, coordinating the triad of marketing, performance and financial decisions in an optimal way and thus achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the best case scenario.
For a company to position itself successfully in the market in the long term, it is essential to understand the drivers of change in the market and the competitive environment and to identify resulting business opportunities from this. Our market workshops provide transparency and a common understanding of the essential drivers in the market and business environment, and thereby also of a company’s changing environment. The first step here is to undertake a situational analysis of the market and the competition, as well as looking at a company’s own positioning and its market development. By weighing up the competencies and resources already present in the company, particularly against future requirements in the market and the competition, we create a starting point for different strategic actions in the form of developing the existing company strategy or creating a completely new definition for it.
Depending on the market concept that was developed, an analysis of the economic performance processes is undertaken as a basis for the creation of efficient performance structures, especially the entire order cycle in the company from customer enquiry to invoicing. In addition, an evaluation of the company’s resources is undertaken as well as a description of the tasks and responsibilities. We like to work out these approaches with our clients in the form of a workshop and from this determine their investment needs (systematic investment planning and management) and then generate tailor-made concepts and operational measures (catalogue of measures).
Finally, we examine the economic viability of the conceptual measures that were formulated for the real market by integrating them into medium-term earnings, liquidity, and balance sheet planning. This comprises comparing the planned increased earnings potential resulting from implementing the measures with the possibility of financing necessary investments in the context of the implementation by means of a suitable funding concept. To this consideration we add a risk assessment in the context of a sensitivity analysis for the crucial planning assumptions.
The result: a mission statement that is shared by all decision makers in the company, a future-proof strategy (market and distribution strategy) and packages of measures that have a clear focus and measurable results with which you can increase the value of your company in a tangible way and over the long term, and with which you can create trust with the important stakeholders of your company.
To secure the sustainability of the strategy and the implementation of the package of measures, we assist with the creation and care of suitable control and management control systems and we accompany you during the change process (change management). In this way we enable management to have improved controllability of the company while maintaining the same level of transparency of the business processes.
Depending on the initial situation and requirements, we work together with the management and executives to develop a holistic corporate concept or, in the case of specific problems, also selectively optimise areas that are already known as individual optimisation projects.
An overview of our services:
- Holistic company concepts and business plans
- Strategy reviews and examination of the business model
- Analyses of the market, competition, and the environment
- Optimising the distribution strategy / organisation
- Pricing and contribution margin management
- Optimisation of the structure and workflow organisation
- Optimisation of costing, calculation and control structures
- Optimisation of purchasing
- Optimisation of production / production strategy
- Optimisation of storage and logistics
- Optimisation of product development
- Implementation of a catalogue of measures
- Integrated financial planning and planning processes
- Adequate financing for the business model
- Communication with stakeholders (especially with financers, shareholders, labour representatives, and clients and suppliers where applicable)